Caerphilly Art Society is governed by its constitution and managed by a committee whose members are elected at our AGM each year. All members are invited to show their support for the society and attend the AGM to cast your votes to elect committee members for the forthcoming year and discuss any concerns and ideas for the society moving forward. As always Members are invited to put their names forward for any committee roles they feel they would like to fill.
As you know our committee members always work extremely hard behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of the Society and to provide an interesting and varied programme to encourage and inspire. We would really appreciate all attending this evening to ensure that we have a successful member led year ahead.
Commences 7:30pm
As you know our committee members always work extremely hard behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of the Society and to provide an interesting and varied programme to encourage and inspire. We would really appreciate all attending this evening to ensure that we have a successful member led year ahead.
Commences 7:30pm
Whats On
Dates for your Diary
Workshop/Demo/Social Evening
Workshop/Demo/Social EveningGeneral Notifications
Remember we meet every First and Last Tuesday of the month, so occasionally it will mean a 3 week break.